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Reid R Sacco Memorial Scholarships

Each year the Reid R Sacco Adolescent & Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Alliance awards scholarships, in the amount of $1500, to high school seniors who qualify on the basis of their pursuit of excellence in academics, and by virtue of their strength of character and perseverance.  Qualified applicants must currently be a high school senior and will be attending a 4-year college or university in Fall 2025.


Reid was an exceptional student, musician, athlete, teacher, and human being. He possessed an unquenchable thirst for learning and growing, a passion for life and living, a genuine compassion for others and a character best described as selfless and courageous. These qualities and values enabled him to navigate the most difficult of setbacks with perseverance, humility and humor. These are examples of the qualities the Scholarship Selection Committee expects to see in applicants for the 2025 awards.


There are three different scholarships awarded each year.  One is a general scholarship open to all high school seniors in the New England area.  The other two have more-specific requirements for which you may or may not qualify.  If you decide to apply for one of these scholarships, be sure to download the application for the one you most qualify.


To apply, you will be required to submit--by the deadline and via regular mail--your latest transcript from your guidance office, a letter of recommendation, and the completed application form.  As part of your application you will need to complete two brief essays.  More information is included on the application form, downloadable using the buttons below.



Because Reid was an exceptional student, musician, and athlete in his hometown's Middle and High Schools, the first scholarship is open to any and all high school seniors in the New England area ("General Scholarship").  Deadline for Submission of All Application Materials for this Scholarship: April 15, 2025



Because Reid was an accomplished record-holding competitive swimmer for his local YMCA swim team, the second scholarship requires the applicant to have competed as a member of the YMCA of the North Shore ("YNS") Swim Team, Beverly, MA ("YNS Swimmer Scholarship")  Deadline for Submission of All Application Materials for this Scholarship: April 15, 2025



Because Reid was an accomplished sailor and a beloved sailing instructor, the third scholarship requires the applicant to have spent one or more summers as an instructor at the Kennebunk Beach Improvement Association Children's Program, Kennebunk, ME ("KBIA Instructor Scholarship").  Deadline for Submission of All Application Materials for this Scholarship: August 1, 2025



Contact Gene Sacco if you have any questions, at

The Reid R Sacco AYA Cancer Alliance is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to improving the lives and outlook for
Adolescent & Young Adult cancer patients and survivors.

© 2023 The Reid R. Sacco AYA Cancer Alliance

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